
Monday, August 24, 2009

Lexi’s DIY Corrugated Cat Bed

9_FinishedBed 10_LexiBed

My cat Lexi didn’t like the bed I bought her, but prefers boxes or cloth shopping bags. So I made one from 1 sided corrugated cardboard, and now it’s fit for the Queen. I trailed some string through the middle hole to entice her and once her claws started being massaged, she forgot all about her prey.


Inner base thickness was based on width of my metal ruler. Then I doubled height for outer rim. I left a toilet paper tube in middle her to dig in.

2_GlueTrail 3_GlueSmear

The fabric was doubled so all edges are hidden underneath
and won’t come undone.


5_SectionsGluing 6_SectionsGlued

Snipped every 2-3″ so they could overlap along bottom.

7_MouseTail 8_LexiScratch



  1. I told you! You have messed my day up! I fee the need to see everything here TODAY!

  2. Love this. Where can the one sided corrugated cardboard be found?

    1. Hi there, I'm sorry - I wish I had an answer for you. My husband's firm uses it for packaging materials so he brought some home for me to use. I've actually never seen it in a retail store.

    2. I searched and found rolls of it on line that were very reasonable. How many feet did it take to do this? How did you keep it so round? Did you start rolling around a a dowel? I assume at some point you had to cut and trim. How did you do that?

    3. Hi Rita,

      I wish I took notes but I had no idea this post would be so popular 4 years later. It came as a sheet and I used the width of my ruler to cut my strips and kept rolling and gluing until I liked what I had. I started off with a toilet paper tube and wrapped the cardboard around it. It stayed round by itself. I used an x-acto knife for all the cuts except for the fabric. Please let me know how it goes!

      By the way, I have stopped blogging here and started a new blog at:

  3. This is incredibly ingenuitive! I was just wondering how you stuck the cardboard together - did you use a glue gun?

    1. Hi littlestraykitten, thanks! I only used regular white glue because the cardboard is very porous. No problems sticking.
